有一天,我不知道link link下,去到了一个陌生的blog,“诶”designer喔!心想反整路过就看看咯,哦,原来那个人叫cheekin,在tarc读multimedia design 的!哇,还放埋照片添,一看,心想这人还算很样衰,阿米驼佛,样衰无罪样衰无罪,每个人都有阿妈生的,想到这,突然感到罪大滔天!惨! 手脚不受控制,我只好用我谨剩的意念,冲去神台,跪下思过!半小时后,我全身冒完冷汗后,慢步的走回电脑桌,一眼望着monitor,“哇”照片依然有在,可是。。。好。。。好。。。好。。好。好帅喔!终于感觉到好像救了人家一命,所谓:救人一命,胜做七级浮屠!有点犹豫,心想,“难道看这个人的blog。。。(语气很重的喊道)har,莫非,我领误到了黑级浮屠,难道我就是传说中的火云邪神?啊。。。。我咬了自己一口,ciu ,我突然唱起了那英的梦一场!我很大的拍桌子一下(是很大力那一种)哈哈哈哈哈(很大声的笑)“看一个blog罢了,要不要这样”决定了,我要冒着身命危险看完这个blog,谁知还会不会有什么武林秘籍!花了不少时间,我总于看完了,“马马虎虎,没什么特别”。为了表示我到此一游,我决定写个comment 给他,就看那里最多人写我就写那里!哦!原来有一个topic叫什么no 3D, no after effect , no plug in , no brush , pure photoshop skill . 我的妈呀!这么有气派又酱长的topic竟然是一张好像我这种摸过一两个礼拜的水鱼的作品,真不了解那些在这留下明言的人!心想:"莫非我的审美观出现了问题,难道内有乾坤?" 我要send 给给我朋友看,就酱半小时过去了,答按很明显不是我的审美观有问题!问的过程中简直好像身命受到威胁,有的还说:“我砍你,maicibai, 你kamlan 啊拿这种lanjau 东西给我看。(还有很多威胁身命的故事在这部能一一说出,抱歉)我为了这位朋友的将来打算,我礼貌上说了“我看不出这东西有什么美,show me your better artwork”就这样差点惹来江湖追杀令,他把我的comment delete 掉,我一气之下要问他为什么要delete我写的comment,万万想不到,他改只给member 留comment 了!真想唱首歌给他听,来首黄大炜的你把我灌醉 -你delete我comment,你不让我再写。。。 等了很久我都不可以写comment,身为无名的member没有理由去开多一个account,haiz "我等到花儿也榭了”。就在一次天意之下,他也许想要更多人给他comment让他爽,他开放给公众写comment了!我dulan 之下,我决定骂他够力够力,因为他身为一个设计师却接受不了人家的comment!第二天, 他更利害,他把整个topic delete 掉(懒聪明),过不久他就把整个blog close掉,从此江湖上就没有了他的影踪!有人说他已练功练到走火入魔,又有人说他隐居在南极,也有人说他成了剑圣,江湖谣言可信也不可信! 如果那位前辈知道这高人cheekin的下落,请他高台贵手,放了我这儒臭未干的小孩。
我第二次写给cheekin 前辈的comment ,让大家过目过目 -“卖嗨”cibai kia, 我上次留comment 给你,你什么delete掉?讲你的lanjau artwork 不美,你就delete掉,你给鬼吊,给马推,一点点就要炫耀,受不起别人的comment 就不要upload啦,cibai. 做不美就要认,打要站定,lanjau work。 不用讲lanjau话。 你卖cibai. 有料就不怕别人讲,没料就要学。人家讲美你就爽,讲不好 看,你就delete那人的comment.你这样也可以,我真的看不下去。show me ur work la. cb . if u really pro, u wont scare 1, don just delete my comment. i will put comment on all ur friends blog. ccb kia shu ppl. act cool ? hole this shit, better u buy more mirror la . mother fucker , bapak engkau. noob cb , act pro , try la .. delete again la . macibai .
最近,朋友送我一张周杰伦演唱会的票(是周杰伦的喔)RM 268 我也不去,你们懂为什么吗?因为我懂有一个PHOTOSHOP KING有去,所谓的PHOTOSHOP KING就是什么no 3D, no after effect , no plug in , no brush , pure photoshop skill!!我pui!!呸!pure 有用啊?我们要美感。讲你是不明的啦。回家pure饱你啦。
Arven here , just the plp using name ! so i mention u , don say what what artwork to vertexdesign again ! because his artwork no really bad ! and i don like plp say me like tat thing !thx
Arven : yalo , that plp every so hai ! goto say other so free ! don't know he is his fren or not , same like what also know ! other take pic , he also wan to check and say !
i no say anything here be4 and just my fren tel me already ,he like using other name to say sometimes else ! please don believe it !
i wan to talk about my blog, my design is post to my fren see only , and no mention that i am pro at all , and no meaning like showoff , i doknow how u all to think.
if my design very poor like shit, then u can close my blog , no ned to see, just simple action! why u all wan always to disturb !
u think i donknow who are u ! actually i can guess de , if we are classmate don like tat , i have offend u be4 ma ? if really get offend u then i just say sory agian here ! why u wan to do like tat ! 3 year of classmate man !
i just wan say that all only and i no wil say in this topic agian , so later u all see what i saying , that not me,thx !
that comment " 谢谢,江湖上还有挺我的英雄!万分感激。" i no say it be4 !
Kevin : hey all the vertexdeisgn fren, the pogai goto previous topic say agian, here the pogai no brave, loss jor now goto previous and say ! this fuck guy really sohai, no enough shot then goto previous topic and say agian, shu zao shu pogai, zhou jie lun fan also no song u, di si !
hey, all my fren donwan fight why wan fight, just let it pass lo,
i cal u all see but why u all fight at here , haha ,we don disturb here , later all no happy again, i send the link to u all is just let u all see what he say rude to me only, no that mean like cal u all fight ya ! please , let it pass , think no happen appear be4, sory anyone !
the ppl who jealous cheekin's artwork too OVER edi...his blog is so meaning for other ppl..but dunno y some ppl after eat nth to do then type a lot of rude words on his blog...actually abit kesian the ppl who type a lot of rude words loh...and kesian him dunno how to spend his time on improve his skill..as a designer,u should be like tat ar?if ur junior know ar...they oso felt PAISEH ar...no no...tis kind of ppl CANNOT be senior...if u felt his artwork is bad then just laugh urself in heart cant?y muz u wasted ur time and ur spirit on it?so LAME!!u think the other way lah...if u are the person like cheekin let ppl comment like tis...how would u feel har?将心比心。。。actually cheekin was so frenly for me..he quite nice...so i dun think he offend u b4 loh..tats all my comment
本来吾想给什么意见,但看了你这个人的所写的野.! 觉得你非常的过分,而且我也决的你这个人是有点不”正常“。或者换句话说你这个人妒忌心很大或者你跟本没事做得闲过头没”便啦”找这里麻烦要让人注意。大错特错反而令人讨厌。 你觉得你有什么资格能批评别人的作品?你是什么职位或者是什么指明度的graphic designer oh what ? ? 如果你不是你凭什么。?? 看你的文字用一些古蔺惊怪的句子,我决得你部应该是属于这个星球人吧。快点收拾包袱“返回你的星球吧”或者你能找到跟你一样类型的人吧。! 话我有什么资格能在这里给comment,以为我本身就是graphic Designer 资格当然比你高,如果你需要批评一个人的话首先先看看自己还有就是凭什么。?如果你的artwork is better then other people just leave your commet if you are not ..please just "Keep off your mouth"...
Today was the worst day,I went through hell,I wish I could remove it from my mind,Two months away from you,but I couldn\'t tell,I thought everything was,gonna be just fine
>"给人打都没什么好讲...打了,听了,笑了...就好啦..." Milkie, you have your point there, but the way you express stuff is a bit too harsh. People might tolerate with your critiques if you shoot politely. IMO, you are now a little bit over the wall.
did i shoot harshly? well i tried to cover up as much as i could... but anyway who cares if im over the wall... just delete my comment or close the blog... (if thats the best solution u guys can think of)...
erm..as the DML member b4,i need to speak out something to support my fren la..if u really dun agree ppl work u can straight away give comment ,why wrote a comment without real name??be brave to do what u want to do,dun hide urself at the corner la.."ming ren bu zuo an shi", but u r not a "ming ren",coz u oledi did a "ang shi"....CK be brave on ur work,dun worry what the stranger said,their comment might be a comment but just a "chip cake" only, at least u r brave on ur work..
wow...i never knew this is the kind of impression AML2 had gave to the juniors. sad indeed. now did i know the juniors actually thought that we organize activities just to erm...woo girls from the younger batch. well at least you guys said it out in the end.
as the pioneer batch of MD, doing so much for the course and come to see everything happening in this way left me totally speechless...not to mention heartache. so i guess all the seniors are only some arrogant jerks to the juniors.
in the end, i just have to say each person could easily see a tiny dust in other people's eye, but not the piece of larger wood in their own. assumption is the worst thing could ever happen, cause everyone is attacking everyone just by ASSUMING that they are a jerk or...whatever it is. i wonder how could people judge others without knowing them.
lastly, i don't think there's anyone who is right or wrong here, cause everyone have their own definition of what is RIGHT + WRONG. personally, i never had my own agenda when trying to work out something for the course. but having people to think that i am...it just makes me felt numb when leaving the college after 4 years of MD studies.
and i'm still wondering why i don't click with my juniors. it's definitely not arrogance. good luck and all the best on whoever that's right or wrong here.
5 years in the future...and when you look back on what happened today in this 'war of comments'...everything here doesn't matter anymore. life's still there, whether designing or not.
Cicak here.. arsenal & yew hui..all lengzai one.. jaykin & all junior senior are right.. i think all of u got urs own point.. this jaykin wind cloud can finish liao.. & dun one batang hit one boat pls.. we intern here fine..pls dun try this at home..
any problem pls contact beidog blogspot to noe further infomation, under 18 age pls ask ur mother b4 u post anything thx for supporting jaykin & beidog vote them pls..
hope the one who post the LJ CB stand out talk something here..dun jus simply quiet & laugh at the corner..stand out let us noe who are u la..who not song CK jus stand out admit it.. we AML1 always united de...jaykin if u noe who it the one.. pls stand out to tell us..
cool then... make things clear... i am not hiding myself at all... in case ur wondering, milkie is a online idendity. well, i am only a perverted person who only know how to tackle junior, knows nuthing bout art and hv not used a pc b4. oh crap... y do i hv to tell everyone who i am? mr ck already know who i am wut... once i post that blog straight tio kick out of the fs group wut... anyway, im not interested in ck anymore... well, come to think of it, my reference, guidance and comment is just a big pile of shyt to him. oh sry, i forget we 1st batch nvr teach the juniors...
if that is the case... i rest my case then... no more bull crap adi...
Hmm I think we should ask CheeKin to tell us who the heck is that first person who started all these in the first comment here. He/she is the one who lead us Multimedia Design to start a war here. We should all help CheeKin find this bloody bugger who always disturb his blog!
CheeKin I Love You and will always support your ass!
你告訴人:你們只尊敬我們認為值得尊敬的人!我呸!last time his blog have people come to disturb that people is you all batch 1 ! you don think we don't know who is the guy, we saw his saying and comment also know who is the senior (batch 1) ! now say 你們只尊敬我們認為值得尊敬的人 ! funny man ! where got this kind of senior in our course appear! all the reader think seriously here, where got this kind of senior do some stupid action and disturb their junior's blog d ! ask yourself ! u say :"用腦子思考一下" you back home to think clearly 1st lal ! DML1 say : 每天就以为是学长,然后就到处追学妹 this is true ! check it out ! and ask yourself !
吊你又怎样 this people listen ! don't scold vin , vin say all the point are true and have the good point there ! if you think vin is wrong ! you must gang of this kind of rubbish ! all people will scold you back! because you no use brain to think before you do the action !
conclusion: batch 1 is not all bad d actually, so we can;t say all batch 1 is bad , just can say SOME of batch 1 student will do that action and let we all junior think all are bad !
and the 吊你又怎样 this people , you no supporter to help you ?? and shot jaykin supporter - vinn back, are you jealous again ! too free man , you no need working in intership??
What is this?! This is not what I want!!! Delete this one... This content is not suitable... What this mean?! Whats the meaning of this?! REDO!!! Pass it up next week...
ei, want fight fight DOTA la, organize a dota match leh~ errr, DML vs AML~ ask ms teng bcome judge , wahaha augustine sponsor gift for the winner. haha
aiyah...this blog is to talk about internship life leh...not to fight about whose blog being vandalized or wat...although this is not my blog but i seriously think that u all are vandalizing this blog...
Wait, pause the fight first. Listen, I'm assembling a team of 4~7 person to take part in Anugerah Filem Pendek 09. I'm finding people that can kick up audio, drawing, concept art, animating, CG-ing storyboarding, and yeah.. basically everything... LOLz!!! Equal split for the bounty. Any boys and girls out there thinks that you are good enough to take on the whole world can leave a comment here, my blog or give me a call.
okla... dun fite la... i started evryting ok? all is me... evryting is me... all is my fault... dun angry... pls 4giv me... i love u the most!!! i'm so sorry.. i was so tired from work that i shouted at you... dun b angry pls...
not cicak but [V] yo.. to all muh fren and 'maybe-not-muh-fren', im hr in peace, and din mean to shoot, or assult anyone, or stand at which side..
juz wana say, all diz should b end, n for those 'maybe-from-same-klas', we almost fnish our course, 2 mor sems, 2 sems is not a long period, it'll pass very soon, why don we done our last 2 sems in a gd, or maybe harmony way? we are not kid anymor, tdy fight, tmr fren bk, we miss once, we loss forever, pls cherish th time, and th 4 years reltionship.
as for those 'maybe-from-oth-klas-or-course', i noe myb som1 realy did somtin wrong, but i hope we can talk like a gentlemen, hv a nice chat, don kp shooti or assultin, (i noe myb som of our fren did diz too), anyway juz wana sy to everyone who had post comment at diz blog b4, pls let it go, diz should b end, realy.
me and muh gang din stand at anyside, juz wana tel everyone pls stop diz war, and for muhslf, din mean to shoot or assultin anyone, if i say somtin wrong hr, sorry for tat.
lastly, kindly beggin ya'll, stop diz war, juz let it go..
Well, mah frenz here is speaking the human language here... no no no, din take it wrongly. I ain't saying your'al not speaking human language ait?
We going of sooner or later...and one year time is not a short or long as you seen...
so why don't we have a peaceful journey on our way to the society? Since all of us are from the same path and course, then shouldn't we get our shoulder together and knock down all the wall around uz? yea?
er..somtin els hr.. im fr AML1, and aft th intern, ofkorz im AML2. hr juz wana say, during our intern, and when we in company or studio, we did hv 'steal' som time to do our own stuff. but we (im not so sure wether is all or wat) din do anytin 'shoot and assult' stuff, wat we did..? no doubt friendster.com, msn, yahoo.com, youtube.com, n mor.. so myb som of our jr. misunderstanding us or somtin. once again, im not shootin or assultin anyone..
btw, muh 'personal wish'- th new batch jr. is comin in, which is th 5th batch, so i hope included 'em, DML1,2, and AML1,2 stand at th same side. pls don 'ghost hit ghost'. let go of those 'hate', 'misunderstand', or whatever.
Wait, pause the fight first. Listen, I'm assembling a team of 4~7 person to take part in Anugerah Filem Pendek 09. I'm finding people that can kick up audio, drawing, concept art, animating, CG-ing storyboarding, and yeah.. basically everything... LOLz!!! Equal split for the bounty. Any boys and girls out there thinks that you are good enough to take on the whole world can leave a comment here, my blog or give me a call.
okla... dun fite la... i started evryting ok? all is me... evryting is me... all is my fault... dun angry... pls 4giv me... i love u the most!!! i'm so sorry.. i was so tired from work that i shouted at you... dun b angry pls...
to:AML1 ……吊你又怎样 this people listen ! don't scold vin , vin say all the point are true and have the good point there ! if you think vin is wrong ! you must gang of this kind of rubbish ! all people will scold you back! because you no use brain to think before you do the action !......
True! BECAUSE I try to push OVER my own limits every assignment. This how i force myself to improve faster than everyone els. I always target to complete what i can not complete at that time. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS WHEN YOU START WORKING. WHY NOT DO IT NOW? This is called 破斧沉舟, 决心打破我自己的极限. In my heart, bring the glory home or at least DIE FIGHTING. Most of the time i ended up dying along with all my team members, but at least i break my own limit (over and over and over again); which is nothing to be shameful of. Its happy to die doing the things you love most. Can you do that? Byte me.
Nope, I'm not angry at all. Yes, IT'S A FACT THAT I ENJOY showing off my works. I'll take that as a compliment. For the love of god, 90%?!?! IT SHOULD BE MORE!!!
Thank You VERY much. I'll take that as a compliment as well. So in the end, Great for me. MY FLASH GOT FEATURED FRONTPAGE BY MICROSOFT & BUNGIE and IT APPEARED ON X-BOX 360 TOO!!! RAWR!!!
DEATH OR GLORY. I'm just finding people that wants to bring the glory home or at least die fighting. YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN MY CRUSADE WHENEVER YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND. I WILL WELCOME YOU MYSELF WITH OPEN ARMS. Step aside if you are too afraid to die.
LOL i just noticed that kim and i are the only people daring to put our face photos on our post. What happen to the other people?
Wow... Hahaha, ASK CHEE KIN, AM I THERE FOR HIM EVERYTIME HE NEEDS HELP. ASK HIM YOUR SELF DID I GAVE HIM MORAL SUPPORT. He is my friend, this is logic thinking DUDE. -->果然有帮,但上面是找不到一个要点是你帮他讲话的。不知道哦。真的很难找。最经典的就是“U get the point there" for support 毒奶。
True! BECAUSE I try to push OVER my own limits every assignment. This how i force myself to improve faster than everyone els. I always target to complete what i can not complete at that time. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS WHEN YOU START WORKING. WHY NOT DO IT NOW? This is called 破斧沉舟, 决心打破我自己的极限. In my heart, bring the glory home or at least DIE FIGHTING. Most of the time i ended up dying along with all my team members, but at least i break my own limit (over and over and over again); which is nothing to be shameful of. Its happy to die doing the things you love most. Can you do that? Byte me. --〉好诚实,好友冲劲哦!最死就是没有责任感咧。一样功课都做不好。责任感给任何人都失去信心啦。
IT'S A FACT THAT I ENJOY showing off my works. --〉大家看啦,这种才叫做show off,jaykin那里比得上他?那个妒嫉人的人,清楚知道什么是show off了吗?
DEATH OR GLORY. I'm just finding people that wants to bring the glory home or at least die fighting. YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN MY CRUSADE WHENEVER YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND. I WILL WELCOME YOU MYSELF WITH OPEN ARMS. Step aside if you are too afraid to die. --〉你还要我们进啊?你不如搞好你的功课先啦。让老师和我们看到你的改变先。不然,你很难相信。
对咯,你好像都没帮jaykin讲到什么话。愧是同班三年。你可以数一数,有几个是来自你们自己的班的?会对jaykin抱不平的?如果人天生有两只手指,就数得完啦。不过发生这件事也好,可以让jaykin知道什么才是真正的朋友。也可以看清楚你们。幸好他还有一群朋友,和dml2 and 1的junior帮他讲话.jaykin加油!
> 果然有帮,但上面是找不到一个要点是你帮他讲话的。不知道哦。真的很难找。最经典的就是“U get the point there" for support 毒奶。Do i have to screen shoot and post every time i give him support via msn? Whoopie WOW Great! ASK CHEE KIN, DO WE GIVE SUPPORT TO HIM? 3 of us always get to gether and do research on 3d. 毒奶 is actually Bernard. Take your time and read all the post.
> 你还要我们进啊?你不如搞好你的功课先啦。 I'm doing things kamikaze style. As stated, step aside if you are too afraid to die. Did i force you to join? Not at all... DUDE!
> 让老师和我们看到你的改变先。不然,你很难相信。 Tell me what kind of changes you want to see.
> 少一个"s"你也懂?够细心!不过还是讲着你!如果把你这份细心的热诚放在工作和功课上就好了。忠告:别在吊儿郎当了。 GO watch my stuff again. Pause play, pause play. My every single detail is there, every frame without fail, that is THE MAIN REASON why i can't usually finish my stuff.
> “为了钱,利益或名誉可以把矛头指向任何一个人” I'm just telling you facts so that you wouldn't get threated by an arrogant stuck-up client in the future and end up like me. I AM INDIRECTLY TEACHING YOU TRICKS AND YOU SHOOT AT ME? WOW THANKS!!! OUCH!!! THIS HURTS ME MOST.
> 其实我们是为了道理,真理而来。叫你朋友站出来吧!勇敢点。 Ask Chee kin what did I tell him. I told him I WILL HELP HIM FINNISH OF THAT GUY THAT STARTED THIS WAR. (probably single handed)
> 我们太多人了,你要我们放班级照咩? Fine with me. How about making your own blogs and showcase your stuff?
> 都说讲话斯文点咯!还有我们不用赶的。我们都有好好分配时间。反驳你们只是我们的娱乐HAPPY HOUR。更何况我们讲的都是事实。你还是做回你的老大啦。啊。做AH LONG,那你们不就天天可以骂粗话咯?不用学设计了。你们的兴趣都不是在这边。 It's better to spend your time revising your scripts and making improvements to your assignment. EVERY SECOND THAT YOU INVEST INTO YOUR ASSIGNMENT PAYS OFF. I NEVER STOPED WORKING ON MY STUFF EVEN UNTIL THE FINAL MOMENTS. Towards perfection dudes, FLAWLESS.
> 哦,这个人我知道他是谁。我每次都有帮他删除电脑wallpaper.好的作品,不用炫耀,别人都会懂。这样只会让人不想看你作品而已。谦虚一点比较好! Think about it, EVERY ACTION HAVE THEIR REASONS BEHIND IT. WHY? Juniors SHOULD always sharpen their skills to surpass and to be much superior than their seniors. Where is the passion? See? I'll have to ignite it and be the bad guy.
> 至于老师嘛,真的讲到乱。连老师都讲你,你知道自己事啦。 It's not that I don't know, but I don't want to care. Agustinne probably didn't like me most because i shoot his mistakes in flash in front of the whole class. Hohoho... PWNED. Anybody from AML1 pun tau.
Seriously dudes, I'm proud of you guys for not being sleepers. Going to college is not about getting a cgpa 4.0 cert. It's useless, no one would actually ask you to show them the cert. It's not about getting a better job in the future and die in front of the pc. THINK BIG, go for film awards, animation awards, whatever you can think of.
"U get the point there" means 'can you understand the point' which usually comes with a question mark in the end. It should be "you have your point there".
> 对咯,你好像都没帮jaykin讲到什么话。愧是同班三年。你可以数一数,有几个是来自你们自己的班的?会对jaykin抱不平的?如果人天生有两只手指,就数得完啦。不过发生这件事也好,可以让jaykin知道什么才是真正的朋友。也可以看清楚你们。幸好他还有一群朋友,和dml2 and 1的junior帮他讲话.jaykin加油!
wat i see is a bunch of small kids arguing about their pride and logic...
what's the fuss?
wait until college reopens...fight it over with ur watever works u guys can come out with...see how many ppl like ur work and how many ppl don't...
just do this the adults way ok?
don't argue here...i believe evryone here is above 18 or 19 already...if we got anything comments on other ppl pls say it nicely and reason it reasonably, if that cannot work then come out and have a drink...
- 就是要讨回公道的DML1和DML2 - 你们讲到津津有味,不过如果你们放下不吵了,事情就很快就结束了。要不要回公道,我想 Chee Kin 也不在乎了。我跟 Chee Kin 没什么交情,谈不上什么话,也没合作过,不过我想他不会计较,也不会为了讨回公道而搞到满城风雨。TARC 创设计课程没多久,Multimedia design 应该只有 4 年,这几年来,都没有出过什么出色的设计师,想想我们失败的原因?因为我们做assignment 的时候,心里想着赢别人,不敢接受人家的批评,不听取意见,做不好还每天protect 自己的作品! 借口多多!有时作品不是给内行人看而已,拍色戒啊?听取外行人的意见将使你思想扩大,外行人很多才是消费者! 不要以为设计师认为好,就大不了!前面我有看到 Kexxn 说过一句,你不是设计师凭什么批评人家的作品!希望他能反省!我不像引起争吵!如果能像Ashed_Dreams 一样超越自己,不用设定太远,每次加入一些没做过的,不会的,这样会强迫性使你们找出解决的方法。做assignment 偷鸡,懒惰,抄袭,这些都是使我们在原地踏步的原因。马来西亚出名设计师 JayLim 说 "your mind is your first enemy, if you can challenge your mind, you can challenge other"。
我跟Ashed_Dreams 同组assignment 两年,我知道之前的他是一个很自大的人,一些事情使他改变了。我们同组的assignment,一组五六个人只有三个在做,一组三四个人只有两个在做,人手已经不够了,他好死不死还帮别组 slove problem。很名显他不是要赢别人,他只要超越自己。说他 show off ? 你们有本就不要 show off,学马华? 不求高调,只求功效? 你不高调,迟早被灭掉,为什么设计师要参加比赛?还不是为了得到认同! 为什么有Art or Design Event 的时候,要给几百块还是要参加? 就是为了曝光自己的作品!得到认同!
everyone seem to be very serious here... its only a few days i hvnt visit this blog and the comment is like a mountain high... i tot it was meaningless to read or even write anything here since aaron's comment has been deleted (as expected)... but anyway, i seem to be the wrong one here... my first intention was to state out sum of my point towards cheekin and then end up batch fight... perhaps im not good enought to comment on other ppl stuff... well anyway... i still stick to my very 1st point where "if u cant take negative comment, dont ask for it then!!!"
as for ashed_dreams and whoever f*** he is fighting with, i guess theres no point quarrel at all... i understand that ashed only wants an apologive. well, to me apologies doesnt bring me cash or sex... so it doesnt really matter.
well during the past yrs in studies, i believe i hv guide a few juniors in their assignments including the dml'er and the aml'er. end up my guidance is just an excuse for me to woo gals??? cool then, i will never ever involve myself in the juniors anymore then.
1 mo thing that makes me pissed off is about internship... so we only gave u guys 2 piece of paper? well that might be true, but it end up 10 of u interview in kru and i manage to get 4 of u in... ya i repeat, "I" manage to get "4" of u in... but how sad, i guess this will be the last batch of interns from tarc... we'll see how many juniors will stay in skool studying next yr, or maybe intern as a sales person or dog feeder...
p/s: even dogs fight face to face... y must man fight cowardly?
有一天,我不知道link link下,去到了一个陌生的blog,“诶”designer喔!心想反整路过就看看咯,哦,原来那个人叫cheekin,在tarc读multimedia design 的!哇,还放埋照片添,一看,心想这人还算很样衰,阿米驼佛,样衰无罪样衰无罪,每个人都有阿妈生的,想到这,突然感到罪大滔天!惨! 手脚不受控制,我只好用我谨剩的意念,冲去神台,跪下思过!半小时后,我全身冒完冷汗后,慢步的走回电脑桌,一眼望着monitor,“哇”照片依然有在,可是。。。好。。。好。。。好。。好。好帅喔!终于感觉到好像救了人家一命,所谓:救人一命,胜做七级浮屠!有点犹豫,心想,“难道看这个人的blog。。。(语气很重的喊道)har,莫非,我领误到了黑级浮屠,难道我就是传说中的火云邪神?啊。。。。我咬了自己一口,ciu ,我突然唱起了那英的梦一场!我很大的拍桌子一下(是很大力那一种)哈哈哈哈哈(很大声的笑)“看一个blog罢了,要不要这样”决定了,我要冒着身命危险看完这个blog,谁知还会不会有什么武林秘籍!花了不少时间,我总于看完了,“马马虎虎,没什么特别”。为了表示我到此一游,我决定写个comment 给他,就看那里最多人写我就写那里!哦!原来有一个topic叫什么no 3D, no after effect , no plug in , no brush , pure photoshop skill . 我的妈呀!这么有气派又酱长的topic竟然是一张好像我这种摸过一两个礼拜的水鱼的作品,真不了解那些在这留下明言的人!心想:"莫非我的审美观出现了问题,难道内有乾坤?" 我要send 给给我朋友看,就酱半小时过去了,答按很明显不是我的审美观有问题!问的过程中简直好像身命受到威胁,有的还说:“我砍你,maicibai, 你kamlan 啊拿这种lanjau 东西给我看。(还有很多威胁身命的故事在这部能一一说出,抱歉)我为了这位朋友的将来打算,我礼貌上说了“我看不出这东西有什么美,show me your better artwork”就这样差点惹来江湖追杀令,他把我的comment delete 掉,我一气之下要问他为什么要delete我写的comment,万万想不到,他改只给member 留comment 了!真想唱首歌给他听,来首黄大炜的你把我灌醉 -你delete我comment,你不让我再写。。。
等了很久我都不可以写comment,身为无名的member没有理由去开多一个account,haiz "我等到花儿也榭了”。就在一次天意之下,他也许想要更多人给他comment让他爽,他开放给公众写comment了!我dulan 之下,我决定骂他够力够力,因为他身为一个设计师却接受不了人家的comment!第二天,
他更利害,他把整个topic delete 掉(懒聪明),过不久他就把整个blog close掉,从此江湖上就没有了他的影踪!有人说他已练功练到走火入魔,又有人说他隐居在南极,也有人说他成了剑圣,江湖谣言可信也不可信!
我第二次写给cheekin 前辈的comment ,让大家过目过目 -“卖嗨”cibai kia, 我上次留comment 给你,你什么delete掉?讲你的lanjau artwork 不美,你就delete掉,你给鬼吊,给马推,一点点就要炫耀,受不起别人的comment 就不要upload啦,cibai. 做不美就要认,打要站定,lanjau work。 不用讲lanjau话。 你卖cibai. 有料就不怕别人讲,没料就要学。人家讲美你就爽,讲不好
看,你就delete那人的comment.你这样也可以,我真的看不下去。show me ur work la. cb . if u really pro, u wont scare 1, don just delete my comment. i will put comment on all ur friends blog. ccb kia shu ppl. act cool ? hole this shit, better u buy more mirror la . mother fucker , bapak engkau. noob cb , act pro , try la .. delete again la . macibai .
我还会写第四次comment 给他吗?
哦,这个家伙嘛,讲到这个家伙,你们绝对想不到,想到也是撞彩,他西北爱自拍的!真的是他不懂他妈的 -GELI- 是什么意识!也不会想想旁人的感受!如果你在现场,看了也许都会短命几年!人在天在看,这句话说的一点也没有错,真是天有眼,善有善报,geli就给人爆(爆什么?哈哈哈哈)就上一次,他和他的好友应该是在monorail给人揍!哈哈,该死!他朋友还变中国国宝(熊猫)叻。哈哈!geli 无罪,出来geli给人看就是你的错!
还有,我要补充,他自拍时,一定要做件事的,(招牌动作)就是 -脱眼镜- !!!(脱掉,脱掉,脱掉)你他妈的,脱什么眼镜,limpei 真的是别大汗咯(beh tahan)!
最近,朋友送我一张周杰伦演唱会的票(是周杰伦的喔)RM 268 我也不去,你们懂为什么吗?因为我懂有一个PHOTOSHOP KING有去,所谓的PHOTOSHOP KING就是什么no 3D, no after effect , no plug in , no brush , pure photoshop skill!!我pui!!呸!pure 有用啊?我们要美感。讲你是不明的啦。回家pure饱你啦。
我就是不爽你,要打架就来啦!怕你啊?没牙会不会没种啊?(狂笑ING....... )
Arven here , just the plp using name ! so i mention u , don say what what artwork to vertexdesign again ! because his artwork no really bad ! and i don like plp say me like tat thing !thx
Kevin : fuck ! wan say he again ! u jealouse his art work is it ? dui ! he take photo guan ni pi shi ar !
Arven : yalo , that plp every so hai ! goto say other so free ! don't know he is his fren or not , same like what also know ! other take pic , he also wan to check and say !
ya la , so i can;t tahan this kind of plp already ! erm lao erm si shiang !
form: kevin
i no say anything here be4 and just my fren tel me already ,he like using other name to say sometimes else ! please don believe it !
i wan to talk about my blog, my design is post to my fren see only , and no mention that i am pro at all , and no meaning like showoff , i doknow how u all to think.
if my design very poor like shit, then u can close my blog , no ned to see, just simple action! why u all wan always to disturb !
u think i donknow who are u ! actually i can guess de , if we are classmate don like tat , i have offend u be4 ma ? if really get offend u then i just say sory agian here ! why u wan to do like tat ! 3 year of classmate man !
i just wan say that all only and i no wil say in this topic agian , so later u all see what i saying , that not me,thx !
that comment " 谢谢,江湖上还有挺我的英雄!万分感激。" i no say it be4 !
-by winn-
曾经不愿走 曾经不愿留
你又出现在 我想离开的十字路口
- by gamster -
Kevin : hey all the vertexdeisgn fren, the pogai goto previous topic say agian, here the pogai no brave, loss jor now goto previous and say ! this fuck guy really sohai, no enough shot then goto previous topic and say agian, shu zao shu pogai, zhou jie lun fan also no song u, di si !
整篇comment全都是粗话,讲衰人的话!亏还有好心人叫你去做什么作家,把你形容成动物啦!我呸!呸!呸!你连畜牲都不如还有什么资格去当作家?像你这种人就算修几辈子的福连做梦都不可能会发生在你身上的!!还好我不认识你,不让真的是会替我爸妈感到心疼,把我养到这么大,我既然去认识个连畜牲都不如的什么东西!!相信我,就算你死了下地狱后(如果阎罗王要收你的话)那些鬼都会避开你的!!还有,请你不要侮辱华语多年来的历史,它不是让你拿来乱骂和乱写粗话的,英文也一样!!所以你最好是闭嘴,手脚斩掉算了!!你不适合再活在这是上了!!说人家的作品不好,我看你连什么是after effect, 3D, ptotoshop都不懂吧?真是丢人现眼!!哎。。年轻人,我劝你还是趁现在积多点口德,多做点善事吧!否则死后连孤魂野鬼都做不成!!
昨天当我收到你给我的信息时,我开心得手都抖的像在做“milk shake"。。。
本来是不想写comment的,可是看到你把人家写到酱我就看不过眼!人家的作品好过你,样子长得帅过你所以你看不过眼是吗?你凭什么资格去批评人家?死白痴!人家是因为作品好所以才upload的啦!像你吗?要show artwork都不能啦!因你根本都不会做!看你写得好像还蛮了解他的哦!感觉上他是你朋友吧!如你是男子汉的话有什么不爽就去和他真面谈判,不要在他背后搞那么多小动作,不是男人的家伙!丢尽男人的脸!
hey, all my fren donwan fight why wan fight, just let it pass lo,
i cal u all see but why u all fight at here , haha ,we don disturb here , later all no happy again, i send the link to u all is just let u all see what he say rude to me only, no that mean like cal u all fight ya ! please , let it pass , think no happen appear be4, sory anyone !
- Seanking -
Holy Jesus jumping on a pogo-stick, makes me Rolling on the floor laugh my freak ass off!
the ppl who jealous cheekin's artwork too OVER edi...his blog is so meaning for other ppl..but dunno y some ppl after eat nth to do then type a lot of rude words on his blog...actually abit kesian the ppl who type a lot of rude words loh...and kesian him dunno how to spend his time on improve his skill..as a designer,u should be like tat ar?if ur junior know ar...they oso felt PAISEH ar...no no...tis kind of ppl CANNOT be senior...if u felt his artwork is bad then just laugh urself in heart cant?y muz u wasted ur time and ur spirit on it?so LAME!!u think the other way lah...if u are the person like cheekin let ppl comment like tis...how would u feel har?将心比心。。。actually cheekin was so frenly for me..he quite nice...so i dun think he offend u b4 loh..tats all my comment
waaah...i 3 days no visit here u guys wat happen o?
wish my blog was interesting like this...at least got ppl fighting here...kinda adds up the traffic i suppose...
hey, my blog got nothing to let u guys fight meh?
本来吾想给什么意见,但看了你这个人的所写的野.! 觉得你非常的过分,而且我也决的你这个人是有点不”正常“。或者换句话说你这个人妒忌心很大或者你跟本没事做得闲过头没”便啦”找这里麻烦要让人注意。大错特错反而令人讨厌。
你觉得你有什么资格能批评别人的作品?你是什么职位或者是什么指明度的graphic designer oh what ? ?
话我有什么资格能在这里给comment,以为我本身就是graphic Designer 资格当然比你高,如果你需要批评一个人的话首先先看看自己还有就是凭什么。?如果你的artwork is better then other people just leave your commet if you are not ..please just "Keep off your mouth"...
Today was the worst day,I went through hell,I wish I could remove it from my mind,Two months away from you,but I couldn\'t tell,I thought everything was,gonna be just fine
- znjqto -
2.有人批评。。。接受啦。。。delete comment, delete blog...真的有d狗。。。但是打狗也要看主人。等我报告ms teng 先。。。
3.design 用么来做都不重要。。。最重要能卖。。。更何况,没plugin,点做到3d stroke??? 用手画???
Milkie, you have your point there, but the way you express stuff is a bit too harsh. People might tolerate with your critiques if you shoot politely. IMO, you are now a little bit over the wall.
did i shoot harshly? well i tried to cover up as much as i could... but anyway who cares if im over the wall... just delete my comment or close the blog... (if thats the best solution u guys can think of)...
哦,那他们骂的那个人原来不是人,是只狗。难怪他乱乱来咬人吠人还干扰的人。你们大家都知道啦,不怪得他不说他是谁。原来是只狗。那你就不应该让它乱乱来,免得打狗警察来捉了你的氵鸡狗怎么办好呢。那你说:更何况,没plugin,点做到3d stroke??? 用手画??? 看起来你也是他们的同伴吧也是读设计。。还认识什么ms teng,那是谁。。他是dato吗?嗨。。好心啦。读设计不要天天说什么plugin,PS做不到3d stroke的感觉,你有看过我徒弟的设计图了吗。用下脑啦。。没有料就不要帮你所谓的狗讲好话。会给人讲回的。。那你就没面子你懂得吗?你想帮他们说我的徒弟。年轻人不要多事。。别人的部落格是别人的你管的着吗?。。不要整天针对。。别人的设计,美丽就要说美,不美就别多事,懂得吗。。你们这些无聊的动作,很好玩吗?你们经历的东西我也尝试过了,到最好朋友们各走各的。。难道他跟你们抢饭吃吗。。用下脑。。不要乱乱干扰别人,不要乱乱帮人说好话。。这是做人的道理。设计是看个人的眼光与感觉,每个人都不同。。你觉得不美,别人几个都觉得美,那你骂别人的设计没有美感,那你也讽刺他的朋友的眼光吗。。是不是。。那是你的眼光有问题还是他全部朋友眼光有问题。。回家想一想。。你们有没有错。。我的徒弟删除他的意见是他的事,你们管不了那么多,何况是一个粗鲁与干扰的意见。。是人都删除啦。。我的道理有谁不负。。如果你还要反我所的话,我觉得人人看到都会反回你们吧。。
毒奶,说话留点余地好!能够给宝贵的意见,人家当然接受啊!但用LJ CB 来说话你觉得没有错吗?人家不要和那个“粗人”吵,才选择delete comment,不delete等什么啊?难道你要当事人回嘴啊?斗骂吗?你们那几句粗口很直接影响人家blog咯。原本普普通通的一名学生在和大家分享他的设计,到最后viewers好像在游览粗口网站!看起来你的那个“粗人”朋友是有心“撩架吵”喔!做人公道一点好,别因为贪爽,不知头不知尾就帮人家“抢出头”!况且人家的design关你什么事啊?delete了你们的comment就在别人的blog唱衰当事人,把事情搞大,分明就是小人的作风!你们那么英,为什么不当面向他对质?你们那么多意见,干脆call他,直接告诉他啦!你们双方是相识的,别再说“随便click,不懂怎样link到他的blog
”这么老土的话啦!就连我也知道你们是谁。何必做那么多小动作?你们是不是有心要voice out你们的意见大家心知肚明咯!人家没有踩到你们的尾巴,就别惹事生非啦!尊重自己,尊重别人,留给自己一点点尊严吧!
-by winn-
winn啊。我是粗人。。。不会什么礼貌。。。 也对不起哦。但如果连一点点的lj cb也接受不到就没办法在这行了。。。
你也是读设计的吧?但你好像不是很了解什么是art sense哦!每个人都有不同对艺术的观念。有些人觉得美,有些人却觉得不美。你不能把你自己要的东西,也一样的要别人接受啊!因为你没有这个权力逼别人去接受你的意见。你是谁?我们也对senior都有了解和认识。Jaykin时常都会教我们东西,他不会有高傲的感觉。他很乐意帮助人。总比一些天天扮酷的好吧。而且我们DML2都觉得他做的作品都很好啊。难道我们全级的审美观都出了问题? 只有你一个是正常的?奇怪了。
Blog的定义好像不是被人搞的哦!你有没有误会啦?部落格(BLOG)是一種常被更新, 便於編寫, 的日記式個人網站。 部落格的內容可以是輕鬆的日記﹐任何時候的隨想﹐商業形網頁﹐或正式的發表文件。 幾乎每一個人都想創作﹐分想自己的感想, 及得到知音。 但編寫網頁需要軟體及懂得HTML技術。 而部落格最大的特色就是把整個過程都簡化到讓一般的網民都能創作自己的網站。 只要您能夠上網使用電子郵件, 那你就能使用本站的服務來輕輕鬆鬆製作自己的網站。这才是部落格的用途!请你读多点书!增广你的见闻!好吗?不然会给人笑。
删除是个人的自由,网站也不是你设计的。你要接受你的网站被人批评,那是你家的是。总不能要人家也和你同一样的想法嘛。还说要报告老师。多少岁了?你好像是batch 1的哦。还做这种小孩子的事情。
“design 用么来做都不重要。。。最重要能卖”你会不会污辱了艺术啊?又是一个不懂艺术的无名设计家。艺术”(ART)在西文里本义为“人工造作”。认识论认为:艺术是自然在人的头脑里的“反映”,是一种意识形态;实践论认为:艺术是人对自然的加工改造,是一种劳动生产,所以艺术有“第二自然”之称。人类劳动是为了创造物质财富和精神财富,一切艺术都要有一个创造主体和一个创造对象,因此,它既要有人的条件,又要有物的条件。人的条件包括艺术家的自然资禀、人生经验和文化教养;物的条件包括社会类型、时代精神、民族特色、社会实况和问题,这些都是需要不断加工改造的对象;此外还要加上用来加工改造的工具和媒介。所以艺术既离不开人,也离不开物,它和美感一样,也是主客观的统一体。都叫你增广见闻的啦。又教你多一样东西了。
天天做壁虎?cicak man是不是?知道你是KRU的啦。帮你打下广告又怎样?你讲到好像会做这个东西就已天下无敌了的?公司真的没有你不行哦!帮公司赚到这么多嘛。你一个人的功劳吗?你当全KRU的人死的吗?给你这样讲一讲,外面的人不知道的还会觉得奇怪为什么那边会出产一个这样没有品德的设计师。以后DML的学生记住咯还是选对实习公司比较好。劝你一句:“一山还有一山高,强中自有强中手”。别太骄傲!
“但如果连一点点的lj cb也接受不到就没办法在这行了。。。”你这样会让全世界的人误解我们设计师生活是这样复杂,没水准,没文化,没教养。你自己是这样就好,不要将全部设计师陪你一起死。各位,我们并不是他所说的这样。
students from DML2
我们都觉得DML2的学生说的一点都没错。不知道大家有没有觉得batch 2的学长比batch 1的学长来的好?至少他们没有扮senior款。他们都很友善的给我们一些很好的意见。batch 1太串了,可能因为年龄的关系,和你们有代沟!你们的event没人来,失败的地方就在这里咯。检讨一下吧!
by DML1
by DML 1 also
erm..as the DML member b4,i need to speak out something to support my fren la..if u really dun agree ppl work u can straight away give comment ,why wrote a comment without real name??be brave to do what u want to do,dun hide urself at the corner la.."ming ren bu zuo an shi", but u r not a "ming ren",coz u oledi did a "ang shi"....CK be brave on ur work,dun worry what the stranger said,their comment might be a comment but just a "chip cake" only, at least u r brave on ur work..
嘿woh...!! 嘿woh...!! 嘿woh...!!
jaykin 万岁......!!
但是我既然看过jaykin refer 我们的 assignment woh...
结果jaykin 那个assignment 拿 A....
那我们有没有一点点功劳 ???
你们要想一想我们根本没有example to refer???
是谁教你们用 3D stroke 的??
是谁教你们用Plugins 的??
难到我们对这个Multimedia design course 一点点贡献都没有???
From 1st batch Senior
wow...i never knew this is the kind of impression AML2 had gave to the juniors. sad indeed. now did i know the juniors actually thought that we organize activities just to erm...woo girls from the younger batch. well at least you guys said it out in the end.
as the pioneer batch of MD, doing so much for the course and come to see everything happening in this way left me totally speechless...not to mention heartache. so i guess all the seniors are only some arrogant jerks to the juniors.
in the end, i just have to say each person could easily see a tiny dust in other people's eye, but not the piece of larger wood in their own. assumption is the worst thing could ever happen, cause everyone is attacking everyone just by ASSUMING that they are a jerk or...whatever it is. i wonder how could people judge others without knowing them.
lastly, i don't think there's anyone who is right or wrong here, cause everyone have their own definition of what is RIGHT + WRONG. personally, i never had my own agenda when trying to work out something for the course. but having people to think that i am...it just makes me felt numb when leaving the college after 4 years of MD studies.
and i'm still wondering why i don't click with my juniors. it's definitely not arrogance. good luck and all the best on whoever that's right or wrong here.
5 years in the future...and when you look back on what happened today in this 'war of comments'...everything here doesn't matter anymore. life's still there, whether designing or not.
Cicak here..
arsenal & yew hui..all lengzai one..
jaykin & all junior senior are right.. i think all of u got urs own point.. this jaykin wind cloud can finish liao.. & dun one batang hit one boat pls.. we intern here fine..pls dun try this at home..
any problem pls contact beidog blogspot to noe further infomation, under 18 age pls ask ur mother b4 u post anything thx for supporting jaykin & beidog vote them pls..
y so sorhai, aml 1+2 nuttin oso...dml punya olang 自己爽. sendiri cant get d gal come 赖 us...finsh ur assgnmnt ony come here talk rubbish la.
很明显 dml DML二 U3 是 AML2 的那些串senior
no no no vote 4 me vote 4 me...im 山本大佬 ...don vote 4 jaykin n beidog... i want i want... im ur worst nightmare
jaykin从这里你因该感到高兴了,这里有着那么多支持你的人,有师傅,有同学,有学弟/妹们 就因为看你被骂(虽然有的有点假象同一人在那自己爽),但你真有面子。好好加油吧。
hope the one who post the LJ CB stand out talk something here..dun jus simply quiet & laugh at the corner..stand out let us noe who are u la..who not song CK jus stand out admit it..
we AML1 always united de...jaykin if u noe who it the one.. pls stand out to tell us..
factory army
很高兴大家都能踊跃的参加, 使到我们这些第三者看得好笑又爽~
jaykin 一定能在TARC 十大风云人物榜上有名!!!
接下来请大家一定要守候着这blog,每屋分钟update 的!!!
cool then... make things clear... i am not hiding myself at all... in case ur wondering, milkie is a online idendity. well, i am only a perverted person who only know how to tackle junior, knows nuthing bout art and hv not used a pc b4. oh crap... y do i hv to tell everyone who i am? mr ck already know who i am wut... once i post that blog straight tio kick out of the fs group wut... anyway, im not interested in ck anymore... well, come to think of it, my reference, guidance and comment is just a big pile of shyt to him. oh sry, i forget we 1st batch nvr teach the juniors...
if that is the case... i rest my case then... no more bull crap adi...
AML 那个每天都泡妞的就是那个那个.什么vin咯.那位‘霉‘女好像转校了咧.她也是很串的咧.怎么没人吊她的?
哦哦哦,我差点忘了这里原本的话题其实是在 chicky 和那个对他有偏见的同班同学呢.
这样的死态度.那么得空在这里吊人,就好心用时间在家里自修吧.付了钱有老师都不敢开口问.在这里就厉害说个不停.DML 的‘烂’人,‘懒’人我就看得多了,没想到真的有.
"batch 1太串了,可能因为年龄的关系,和你们有代沟!"
Hmm I think we should ask CheeKin to tell us who the heck is that first person who started all these in the first comment here. He/she is the one who lead us Multimedia Design to start a war here. We should all help CheeKin find this bloody bugger who always disturb his blog!
CheeKin I Love You and will always support your ass!
Byrn and Beidog can go f*ck yourself twice!
Hidup AML1!!! Hidup AML1!!!
Mampus AML2+DML2+DML1 + Augustine!
i support u jaykin jaykin cheekin cheekin !!!!!!
看了一堆長遍大論, 我只有幾點要發表:-
1. 那個vin甚麼的學長泡到個串妞官你們屁事咩? 人家有本事泡啊, 你不行是你們的問題好不好?
2. 人家給comment就要接受(就算是TMD, CCB, KNN, LCB也不應該del的)公道自在人心, 世上就是有些人唯恐天下不亂啊, 我們也管不到這麼多吧.
3. 那位認為batch 1的學長很串的, 老實告訴你, 我們就是這麼的串! 你曉得為何嗎? 因為我們只尊敬我們認為值得尊敬的人, 只串那些串我們的人...那你認為我們串, 不就代表你自己就是很串了嗎? 說前用腦子思考一下吧.
說真的, 這次的事件我誰都不會幫(因為不關我的事情...我只是路過的學長) 可是有些地方我看了有點不爽, 那當然需要告訴下我們這些不只天高地厚的學弟們囉...
-你們的超串batch 1學長 上-
金鱼佬 我爱你!
你告訴人:你們只尊敬我們認為值得尊敬的人!我呸!last time his blog have people come to disturb that people is you all batch 1 ! you don think we don't know who is the guy, we saw his saying and comment also know who is the senior (batch 1) ! now say 你們只尊敬我們認為值得尊敬的人 ! funny man ! where got this kind of senior in our course appear! all the reader think seriously here, where got this kind of senior do some stupid action and disturb their junior's blog d ! ask yourself !
u say :"用腦子思考一下" you back home to think clearly 1st lal !
DML1 say : 每天就以为是学长,然后就到处追学妹 this is true ! check it out ! and ask yourself !
吊你又怎样 this people listen ! don't scold vin , vin say all the point are true and have the good point there ! if you think vin is wrong ! you must gang of this kind of rubbish ! all people will scold you back! because you no use brain to think before you do the action !
conclusion: batch 1 is not all bad d actually, so we can;t say all batch 1 is bad , just can say SOME of batch 1 student will do that action and let we all junior think all are bad !
and the 吊你又怎样 this people , you no supporter to help you ?? and shot jaykin supporter - vinn back, are you jealous again ! too free man , you no need working in intership??
從你的"我呸!!"就知道你不尊敬我們啦...為何要我們尊敬你們? 你說有人惡搞某些人的部落格, 是又怎樣呢? 有些事情你不曉得前因後果就少出聲...我們那樣做肯定有我們的理由(我還可以告訴你, 我們還在某論壇"影射"junior呢...你曉得為何嗎? 不曉得就少出聲啦!!) 所以我才告訴你們先想才說, 甚麼都不知道還大小聲.
我們的確有人在泡學妹啊, 可是那是人家自家的事啊(我之前也沒否認說我們senior沒有泡學妹好不好?) 我也說了, 人家泡到是人家本事, 你不行是你沒本事, 少在那裡"妒嫉"...男生還要妒嫉...看到都噁心 囧
補多一句: 反正不管我們說甚麼, 你們都是看我們不順眼的囉(我們也是一樣) 你不爽, 就少管啦...少出來雞婆了! 有時間趕你們的FINAL啦!!
-你超不順眼的學長 上-
What is this?!
This is not what I want!!!
Delete this one...
This content is not suitable...
What this mean?!
Whats the meaning of this?!
Pass it up next week...
yay!!! 我要去看看DML2 junior的final presentation.应该有得看吧.听说ms.teng收留了好多好多炸弹哦.
还好我所认识的AML1几个还算是有料的人. Cassie 我爱你! hahahahaha.
我呸什么? yarshi. 呵呵呵呵呵呵!
吊你啦DML2的.赶完了final再来这里一起无聊吧! 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦
Wu lah me ge zhi
ei, want fight fight DOTA la,
organize a dota match leh~
errr, DML vs AML~
ask ms teng bcome judge , wahaha
augustine sponsor gift for the winner.
me wanna join oso ..aml de team de..
arsenal..stop whine for ck
aiyah...this blog is to talk about internship life leh...not to fight about whose blog being vandalized or wat...although this is not my blog but i seriously think that u all are vandalizing this blog...
wan type comment go other topic la. lag leh, hard to read the story leh.
Uncool, Calm down dudes. This blog's owner must be very happy. Everyday got large amount of traffic. Can earn alot of money from adds. LOLx!
拿起屠刀,立地杀佛,砍出新天下吧! Finish the Fight!
NO... I do respect both seniors and juniors. I offered all the help i can whenever someone turn to me for help.
Wait, pause the fight first. Listen, I'm assembling a team of 4~7 person to take part in Anugerah Filem Pendek 09. I'm finding people that can kick up audio, drawing, concept art, animating, CG-ing storyboarding, and yeah.. basically everything... LOLz!!! Equal split for the bounty. Any boys and girls out there thinks that you are good enough to take on the whole world can leave a comment here, my blog or give me a call.
S> Steely 3m each~~~
dun fite la...
i started evryting ok?
all is me...
evryting is me...
all is my fault...
dun angry...
pls 4giv me...
i love u the most!!!
i'm so sorry..
i was so tired from work that i shouted at you...
dun b angry pls...
i love you...
哇,吵到酱够力,想不到 Chee Kin 影响力酱大,弄到几班同学吵起来,连 Chee Kin 师也来凑热闹,不过讲真的sky 的 3D 不错下。我问一个问题,到底有几多班在吵?AML 1 , DML 1 , DML 2 ? 有AML2 吗?哇!西北乱。送你们一首歌-我为你唱这一首歌祝你快乐,我知道生活总会有,太多选择,怎么了,对我说,你在担心什么呢,你只要,别想太多,要学会对自己说,我要学着忘了,该忘了,难道不觉得,如果选择快乐,更快乐,的面对一切,生活将会好的,会好的,祝福你了,让快乐到此为止,我永远,会祝福你,快乐!
not cicak but [V]
yo.. to all muh fren and 'maybe-not-muh-fren', im hr in peace, and din mean to shoot, or assult anyone, or stand at which side..
juz wana say, all diz should b end, n for those 'maybe-from-same-klas', we almost fnish our course, 2 mor sems, 2 sems is not a long period, it'll pass very soon, why don we done our last 2 sems in a gd, or maybe harmony way? we are not kid anymor, tdy fight, tmr fren bk, we miss once, we loss forever, pls cherish th time, and th 4 years reltionship.
as for those 'maybe-from-oth-klas-or-course', i noe myb som1 realy did somtin wrong, but i hope we can talk like a gentlemen, hv a nice chat, don kp shooti or assultin, (i noe myb som of our fren did diz too), anyway juz wana sy to everyone who had post comment at diz blog b4, pls let it go, diz should b end, realy.
me and muh gang din stand at anyside, juz wana tel everyone pls stop diz war, and for muhslf, din mean to shoot or assultin anyone, if i say somtin wrong hr, sorry for tat.
lastly, kindly beggin ya'll, stop diz war, juz let it go..
Well, mah frenz here is speaking the human language here...
no no no, din take it wrongly. I ain't saying your'al not speaking human language ait?
We going of sooner or later...and one year time is not a short or long as you seen...
so why don't we have a peaceful journey on our way to the society?
Since all of us are from the same path and course, then shouldn't we get our shoulder together and knock down all the wall around uz? yea?
Hope u guys know what I mean~
Cheers everyone~
I come in Peace [oVoo]
not cicak but [V] (again..)
er..somtin els hr.. im fr AML1, and aft th intern, ofkorz im AML2. hr juz wana say, during our intern, and when we in company or studio, we did hv 'steal' som time to do our own stuff. but we (im not so sure wether is all or wat) din do anytin 'shoot and assult' stuff, wat we did..? no doubt friendster.com, msn, yahoo.com, youtube.com, n mor.. so myb som of our jr. misunderstanding us or somtin. once again, im not shootin or assultin anyone..
btw, muh 'personal wish'- th new batch jr. is comin in, which is th 5th batch, so i hope included 'em, DML1,2, and AML1,2 stand at th same side. pls don 'ghost hit ghost'. let go of those 'hate', 'misunderstand', or whatever.
we do from th same side, and i do wishin tat..
Alright, anything. Just no sms or internet short form, makes you post really hard to read and difficult to be interpreted.
Has this freak show ended?
show ends here i guess~quietly..... and peace i hope :) after few day of war,it's time to get back to work~
[V] says
alright, sorry for that.
anyway i do wish this war should be end.
anyway is time to get back in maple d, still selling Steely for 3m each~~~
lol, glad its ended, temporarily :X
TO: aaron
教两样东西就叫贡献,好伟大!但是dml没有受贿到。伟大发明师也没有example refer哦!refer design但如果能做到比之前那个好,是很重要哦!后浪推前浪,没听过吗?你的贡献可能太渺小了,我们DML1 AND 2看不到。AML1你们有看到他们所谓的贡献吗?
"batch 1太串了,可能因为年龄的关系,和你们有代沟!"
更加好笑的是,MS TENG, MR LEE, MR Aug,都出来了。有稍微知识的人都知道不可能的事啦。不要弄臭老师的名。谢谢!
1. 那個vin甚麼的學長泡到個串妞官你們屁事咩? 人家有本事泡啊, 你不行是你們的問題好不好?
2. 人家給comment就要接受(就算是TMD, CCB, KNN, LCB也不應該del的)公道自在人心, 世上就是有些人唯恐天下不亂啊, 我們也管不到這麼多吧.
--〉都说了,接受不代表认同。你的意见也要让人认同啊。但一些粗话的意见 我们的确不能接受。可能我们教育高,道德知识好,人格没问题吧。我们不像学长,什么不好的东西都接受的。做个文人吧。这不是粗口比赛!
3. 那位認為batch 1的學長很串的, 老實告訴你, 我們就是這麼的串! 你曉得為何嗎? 因為我們只尊敬我們認為值得尊敬的人, 只串那些串我們的人...那你認為我們串, 不就代表你自己就是很串了嗎? 說前用腦子思考一下吧.
說真的, 這次的事件我誰都不會幫(因為不關我的事情...我只是路過的學長) 可是有些地方我看了有點不爽, 那當然需要告訴下我們這些不只天高地厚的學弟們囉...
從你的"我呸!!"就知道你不尊敬我們啦...為何要我們尊敬你們? 你說有人惡搞某些人的部落格, 是又怎樣呢? 有些事情你不曉得前因後果就少出聲...我們那樣做肯定有我們的理由(我還可以告訴你, 我們還在某論壇"影射"junior呢...你曉得為何嗎? 不曉得就少出聲啦!!) 所以我才告訴你們先想才說, 甚麼都不知道還大小聲.
我們的確有人在泡學妹啊, 可是那是人家自家的事啊(我之前也沒否認說我們senior沒有泡學妹好不好?) 我也說了, 人家泡到是人家本事, 你不行是你沒本事, 少在那裡"妒嫉"...男生還要妒嫉...看到都噁心 囧
補多一句: 反正不管我們說甚麼, 你們都是看我們不順眼的囉(我們也是一樣) 你不爽, 就少管啦...少出來雞婆了! 有時間趕你們的FINAL啦!!
--〉我们都没有对你们不顺眼,只是你们的谈吐方法有问题而已。赶FINAL?我们不用赶的。我们都有好好分配时间。反驳只是我们的娱乐HAPPY HOUR。更何况我们讲的都是事实。
--〉都说讲话斯文点咯!还有我们不用赶的。我们都有好好分配时间。反驳你们只是我们的娱乐HAPPY HOUR。更何况我们讲的都是事实。你还是做回你的老大啦。啊。做AH LONG,那你们不就天天可以骂粗话咯?不用学设计了。你们的兴趣都不是在这边。
NO... I do respect both seniors and juniors. I offered all the help i can whenever someone turn to me for help.
Wait, pause the fight first. Listen, I'm assembling a team of 4~7 person to take part in Anugerah Filem Pendek 09. I'm finding people that can kick up audio, drawing, concept art, animating, CG-ing storyboarding, and yeah.. basically everything... LOLz!!! Equal split for the bounty. Any boys and girls out there thinks that you are good enough to take on the whole world can leave a comment here, my blog or give me a call.
dun fite la...
i started evryting ok?
all is me...
evryting is me...
all is my fault...
dun angry...
pls 4giv me...
i love u the most!!!
i'm so sorry..
i was so tired from work that i shouted at you...
dun b angry pls...
一看就知道你不是那个人啦。要帮人搞和平吗?你的好心,帮不到那个人。你只是会让他逍遥法外而已。我们明白的。只想告诉所要搞和平的人,真的很谢谢你们。但是,我们觉得要那个人站出来让大家知道他做过这样的事,向大家道歉!不然会对当事人不公平。人家也有妈妈生的。我们要那个人站出来!!!!这个才算和平。这样才算结束!!!AML 1的那位,对就是你!站出来啦。缩头乌龟。是不是不想INTERN这么快完呢?怕面对人吧。哈哈。
TO:not cicak but [V] (again..)
…so myb som of our jr. misunderstanding us or somtin. once again,…
……吊你又怎样 this people listen ! don't scold vin , vin say all the point are true and have the good point there ! if you think vin is wrong ! you must gang of this kind of rubbish ! all people will scold you back! because you no use brain to think before you do the action !......
--〉我想AML1的人误会了。VIN 是AML2 的人。他是A字母的。奴隶兽来的。你的朋友是W字母的。所以我们不怪你们咯。
By 就是要讨回公道的DML1和DML2!
True! BECAUSE I try to push OVER my own limits every assignment. This how i force myself to improve faster than everyone els. I always target to complete what i can not complete at that time. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS WHEN YOU START WORKING. WHY NOT DO IT NOW? This is called 破斧沉舟, 决心打破我自己的极限. In my heart, bring the glory home or at least DIE FIGHTING. Most of the time i ended up dying along with all my team members, but at least i break my own limit (over and over and over again); which is nothing to be shameful of. Its happy to die doing the things you love most. Can you do that? Byte me.
Nope, I'm not angry at all. Yes, IT'S A FACT THAT I ENJOY showing off my works. I'll take that as a compliment. For the love of god, 90%?!?! IT SHOULD BE MORE!!!
Thank You VERY much. I'll take that as a compliment as well. So in the end, Great for me. MY FLASH GOT FEATURED FRONTPAGE BY MICROSOFT & BUNGIE and IT APPEARED ON X-BOX 360 TOO!!! RAWR!!!
DEATH OR GLORY. I'm just finding people that wants to bring the glory home or at least die fighting. YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN MY CRUSADE WHENEVER YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND. I WILL WELCOME YOU MYSELF WITH OPEN ARMS. Step aside if you are too afraid to die.
LOL i just noticed that kim and i are the only people daring to put our face photos on our post. What happen to the other people?
Oh 1 more thing. A freelancer can never get sued. 所为 freelance comes from the word Free Lance, 自由的矛, 为了钱,利益或名誉可以把矛头指向任何一个人.
And my online online identity is Ashed_Dreams. You missed the "s". That is an insult towards me.
-->果然有帮,但上面是找不到一个要点是你帮他讲话的。不知道哦。真的很难找。最经典的就是“U get the point there" for support 毒奶。
True! BECAUSE I try to push OVER my own limits every assignment. This how i force myself to improve faster than everyone els. I always target to complete what i can not complete at that time. REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN'T DO THIS WHEN YOU START WORKING. WHY NOT DO IT NOW? This is called 破斧沉舟, 决心打破我自己的极限. In my heart, bring the glory home or at least DIE FIGHTING. Most of the time i ended up dying along with all my team members, but at least i break my own limit (over and over and over again); which is nothing to be shameful of. Its happy to die doing the things you love most. Can you do that? Byte me.
IT'S A FACT THAT I ENJOY showing off my works.
--〉大家看啦,这种才叫做show off,jaykin那里比得上他?那个妒嫉人的人,清楚知道什么是show off了吗?
DEATH OR GLORY. I'm just finding people that wants to bring the glory home or at least die fighting. YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN MY CRUSADE WHENEVER YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND. I WILL WELCOME YOU MYSELF WITH OPEN ARMS. Step aside if you are too afraid to die.
By 就是要讨回公道的DML1和DML2!
by DML 1
对咯,你好像都没帮jaykin讲到什么话。愧是同班三年。你可以数一数,有几个是来自你们自己的班的?会对jaykin抱不平的?如果人天生有两只手指,就数得完啦。不过发生这件事也好,可以让jaykin知道什么才是真正的朋友。也可以看清楚你们。幸好他还有一群朋友,和dml2 and 1的junior帮他讲话.jaykin加油!
> 果然有帮,但上面是找不到一个要点是你帮他讲话的。不知道哦。真的很难找。最经典的就是“U get the point there" for support 毒奶。Do i have to screen shoot and post every time i give him support via msn? Whoopie WOW Great! ASK CHEE KIN, DO WE GIVE SUPPORT TO HIM? 3 of us always get to gether and do research on 3d. 毒奶 is actually Bernard. Take your time and read all the post.
> 你还要我们进啊?你不如搞好你的功课先啦。
I'm doing things kamikaze style. As stated, step aside if you are too afraid to die. Did i force you to join? Not at all... DUDE!
> 让老师和我们看到你的改变先。不然,你很难相信。
Tell me what kind of changes you want to see.
> 少一个"s"你也懂?够细心!不过还是讲着你!如果把你这份细心的热诚放在工作和功课上就好了。忠告:别在吊儿郎当了。
GO watch my stuff again. Pause play, pause play. My every single detail is there, every frame without fail, that is THE MAIN REASON why i can't usually finish my stuff.
> “为了钱,利益或名誉可以把矛头指向任何一个人”
I'm just telling you facts so that you wouldn't get threated by an arrogant stuck-up client in the future and end up like me. I AM INDIRECTLY TEACHING YOU TRICKS AND YOU SHOOT AT ME? WOW THANKS!!! OUCH!!! THIS HURTS ME MOST.
> 其实我们是为了道理,真理而来。叫你朋友站出来吧!勇敢点。
Ask Chee kin what did I tell him. I told him I WILL HELP HIM FINNISH OF THAT GUY THAT STARTED THIS WAR. (probably single handed)
> 我们太多人了,你要我们放班级照咩?
Fine with me. How about making your own blogs and showcase your stuff?
> 都说讲话斯文点咯!还有我们不用赶的。我们都有好好分配时间。反驳你们只是我们的娱乐HAPPY HOUR。更何况我们讲的都是事实。你还是做回你的老大啦。啊。做AH LONG,那你们不就天天可以骂粗话咯?不用学设计了。你们的兴趣都不是在这边。
It's better to spend your time revising your scripts and making improvements to your assignment. EVERY SECOND THAT YOU INVEST INTO YOUR ASSIGNMENT PAYS OFF. I NEVER STOPED WORKING ON MY STUFF EVEN UNTIL THE FINAL MOMENTS. Towards perfection dudes, FLAWLESS.
> 哦,这个人我知道他是谁。我每次都有帮他删除电脑wallpaper.好的作品,不用炫耀,别人都会懂。这样只会让人不想看你作品而已。谦虚一点比较好!
Think about it, EVERY ACTION HAVE THEIR REASONS BEHIND IT. WHY? Juniors SHOULD always sharpen their skills to surpass and to be much superior than their seniors. Where is the passion? See? I'll have to ignite it and be the bad guy.
> 至于老师嘛,真的讲到乱。连老师都讲你,你知道自己事啦。
It's not that I don't know, but I don't want to care. Agustinne probably didn't like me most because i shoot his mistakes in flash in front of the whole class. Hohoho... PWNED. Anybody from AML1 pun tau.
Seriously dudes, I'm proud of you guys for not being sleepers. Going to college is not about getting a cgpa 4.0 cert. It's useless, no one would actually ask you to show them the cert. It's not about getting a better job in the future and die in front of the pc. THINK BIG, go for film awards, animation awards, whatever you can think of.
"U get the point there" means 'can you understand the point' which usually comes with a question mark in the end. It should be "you have your point there".
> 对咯,你好像都没帮jaykin讲到什么话。愧是同班三年。你可以数一数,有几个是来自你们自己的班的?会对jaykin抱不平的?如果人天生有两只手指,就数得完啦。不过发生这件事也好,可以让jaykin知道什么才是真正的朋友。也可以看清楚你们。幸好他还有一群朋友,和dml2 and 1的junior帮他讲话.jaykin加油!
我有没有帮Chee kin一旦还没开口都轮不到你讲. 你们只会讲帮他, 可是我看不到行动. 我至少会在背后调查. 你们要我说一千次"jaykin加油!"都没问题. 有用吗? 酱只会 spam 吧了. 你们继续吧. 咳... 要出动到我打华语.Zzzzz
this blog is getting funny...
wat i see is a bunch of small kids arguing about their pride and logic...
what's the fuss?
wait until college reopens...fight it over with ur watever works u guys can come out with...see how many ppl like ur work and how many ppl don't...
just do this the adults way ok?
don't argue here...i believe evryone here is above 18 or 19 already...if we got anything comments on other ppl pls say it nicely and reason it reasonably, if that cannot work then come out and have a drink...
let's think of a win win situation shall we?
- 就是要讨回公道的DML1和DML2 -
你们讲到津津有味,不过如果你们放下不吵了,事情就很快就结束了。要不要回公道,我想 Chee Kin 也不在乎了。我跟 Chee Kin 没什么交情,谈不上什么话,也没合作过,不过我想他不会计较,也不会为了讨回公道而搞到满城风雨。TARC 创设计课程没多久,Multimedia design 应该只有 4 年,这几年来,都没有出过什么出色的设计师,想想我们失败的原因?因为我们做assignment 的时候,心里想着赢别人,不敢接受人家的批评,不听取意见,做不好还每天protect 自己的作品! 借口多多!有时作品不是给内行人看而已,拍色戒啊?听取外行人的意见将使你思想扩大,外行人很多才是消费者! 不要以为设计师认为好,就大不了!前面我有看到 Kexxn 说过一句,你不是设计师凭什么批评人家的作品!希望他能反省!我不像引起争吵!如果能像Ashed_Dreams 一样超越自己,不用设定太远,每次加入一些没做过的,不会的,这样会强迫性使你们找出解决的方法。做assignment 偷鸡,懒惰,抄袭,这些都是使我们在原地踏步的原因。马来西亚出名设计师 JayLim 说 "your mind is your first enemy, if you can challenge your mind, you can challenge other"。
我跟Ashed_Dreams 同组assignment 两年,我知道之前的他是一个很自大的人,一些事情使他改变了。我们同组的assignment,一组五六个人只有三个在做,一组三四个人只有两个在做,人手已经不够了,他好死不死还帮别组 slove problem。很名显他不是要赢别人,他只要超越自己。说他 show off ? 你们有本就不要 show off,学马华? 不求高调,只求功效? 你不高调,迟早被灭掉,为什么设计师要参加比赛?还不是为了得到认同! 为什么有Art or Design Event 的时候,要给几百块还是要参加? 就是为了曝光自己的作品!得到认同!
就快达到100则留言了,可是除了没有水准,还是没有水准,尤其是最后那位一则则Comment C&P 的同学,说是娱乐,喔噢,真是长江后浪推前浪,真是大开眼界
Ah Fish
everyone seem to be very serious here... its only a few days i hvnt visit this blog and the comment is like a mountain high... i tot it was meaningless to read or even write anything here since aaron's comment has been deleted (as expected)... but anyway, i seem to be the wrong one here... my first intention was to state out sum of my point towards cheekin and then end up batch fight... perhaps im not good enought to comment on other ppl stuff... well anyway... i still stick to my very 1st point where "if u cant take negative comment, dont ask for it then!!!"
as for ashed_dreams and whoever f*** he is fighting with, i guess theres no point quarrel at all... i understand that ashed only wants an apologive. well, to me apologies doesnt bring me cash or sex... so it doesnt really matter.
well during the past yrs in studies, i believe i hv guide a few juniors in their assignments including the dml'er and the aml'er. end up my guidance is just an excuse for me to woo gals??? cool then, i will never ever involve myself in the juniors anymore then.
1 mo thing that makes me pissed off is about internship... so we only gave u guys 2 piece of paper? well that might be true, but it end up 10 of u interview in kru and i manage to get 4 of u in... ya i repeat, "I" manage to get "4" of u in... but how sad, i guess this will be the last batch of interns from tarc... we'll see how many juniors will stay in skool studying next yr, or maybe intern as a sales person or dog feeder...
p/s: even dogs fight face to face... y must man fight cowardly?
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